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Open Call for
Fusion Technology Transfer
Demonstrator Projects

Accelerating technology transfer by funding promising projects.

As part of the efforts to facilitate the use of fusion technologies and know-how, EUROfusion and Fusion for Energy launch every year an Open Call for Fusion Technology Transfer Demonstrator Projects to support the integration of fusion solutions in non-fusion markets.

Open to European companies and laboratories, this funding opportunity aims at supporting projects where a fusion technology or know-how is planned to be used in a non-fusion environment.

The applications will be evaluated according to criteria mainly related to feasibility of the demonstrator project, its innovation potential and its socio-economic impact on the company and its ecosystem.

Who can apply?

The demonstrator project shall address technological barriers. The non-fusion application foreseen shall not promote activities, or be related to the military, alcohol, tobacco, religion, politics, intolerance, violence, firearms, pornography, obscenity, gambling or illegal drugs.

The eligibility criteria, duration of the project and amount of the grant are detailed in the documents relating to the calls for projects. Download them from the section below.    

Open Call 2024

Previous projects selected

Operview, a spin-off from Tampere University, uses ITER remote vision system to teleoperate industrial vehicles.

DAES France leverages on a software developed for ITER to open new business perspectives in fission nuclear power plants

Low-temperature co-fired ceramic multilayer substrates to offer new competitive products for power electronics, LEDs and sensors applications.

VIA electronic expands its competitive advantage and gets closer to the market thanks to the demonstrator funding

Casting mold materials made of Tungsten fibre Composites (Wf/W) for high-temperature die casting

Invented to suppress the propagation of cracks at the surface of wall targets in fusion, tungsten fibres materials could increase the lifetime of molds in die casting applications.

Protective tungsten-based coatings for combustion chamber for aerospace applications

Studied for the plasma-wall interaction in the presence of high thermal loads in fusion, the deposition of thick tungsten and high melting point materials coatings have been adopted to manufacture protective coatings for combustion chamber for aerospace applications

Tungsten alloys for extended life corona discharge electrodes

Several W-based alloys have been investigated for application at the blanket first-wall of DEMO. This promising materials along new coating technologies have been considered to increase the lifetime of corona discharge electrode for applications in surface cleaning, air treatment and cooling electronics.

Towards a better rationalization of fibre optics manufacturing

Developed to carry out truly statistical multi-physics investigations based on the analysis of thousands of tokamak discharges, auto-adaptive algorithms have been implemented for a new concept of high speed and in-line optical fiber quality control.


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