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Fusion Technology
Transfer Award

Rewarding the commercial use of fusion technologies in non-fusion markets

To promote the transfer of fusion technologies and know-how, Fusion for Energy (F4E) and EUROfusion launch an annual contest open to European companies and organisations, with the support of Viromii Innovation. The award recognizes achieved or ongoing projects which integrate fusion solutions in other fields.

The applications are assessed according to the resources and efforts deployed by the candidate, as well as the socio-economic impact of the project on the market.

The selected project receives a prize of €10,000.

In addition to the prize, the candidates also benefit from greater visibility within a European network of actors engaged in innovation and fusion technology.

Who can apply?

Any European company or organisation presenting a project where a fusion technology or know-how is used or is planned to be used in a non-fusion environment.

The non-fusion application foreseen shall not promote activities, or be related to the military, alcohol, tobacco, religion, politics, intolerance, violence, firearms, pornography, obscenity, gambling or illegal drugs.

When and how to apply?

The application period opens on the 16th of September 2024 and closes on the 15th of November 2024.

Applicants are requested to submit their proposals in English by email to Miguel Estruch – Technology Transfer Broker ( putting in copy Fusion for Energy’s Technology Transfer Programme (

General Information, instructions, and guidelines for preparing and submitting the proposals are presented below.

Join the webinar to know more

A webinar providing general information about the Technology Transfer Award and offering instructions for submitting proposals will take place on October 31st at 11 AM.

Please fill out the Registration Form to join.

Fusion Technology Transfer Award 2024