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Energy and Power Transmission

Upgraded gyrotron components for enhanced thermomecanical performances

F4E, EGYC (European GYrotron Consortium) and Thales have designed two high performances gyrotron subsystems: a thermo-compensated cathode and an adaptative mini-channel cooling system. Theses components have been used to enhance the performances of a high-power gyrotron and are now available for new applications in vacuum tubes, particle accelerators or electronics.

Technology assets

  • The upgraded cathode ensures isotropic thermomechanical deformation during high-energy demanding operations
  • The adaptative mini-channel increases heat exchange while limiting thermo-mechanical stress and non-isotropic deformations
  • The combination of these two components boosts gyrotron performance to achieve high power and efficiency
  • The cathode is relevant for existing gyrotrons, vacuum tubes and particle accelerators. The mini-channel can increase cooling efficiency for CPUs or amplifiers.

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